CSE 322
Fall 2018


CSE 322: Web Page Programming (CSUSB Fall 2018)
Dr. David Turner (dturner@csusb.edu, include "CSE 322" in subject.)
Mark Swoope (swoopem@coyote.csusb.edu, include "CSE 322" in subject.)
CSE 202 or consent of instructor
Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 10:20 AM in CH 135
Monday or Wednesday from 10:30 AM to 12:15 PM in JB 359
Monday from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM in JB 340

Course description

Current protocols, technology, languages, and methodologies for the browser side of web-based systems; performance issues; human factors, page and site design. Three hours lecture and two hours activity laboratory. Materials fee required.

System Requirements

You can do all required work in this course on any computer with an internet connection. If you need a computer, you can work on the computers in the lab rooms JB 358, 359 and 360. The open times for accessing these labs are available from the CSE website or by contacting the CSE main office.

Course Goals


Your grade will be based on your participation, completion of assignments and performance on exams.


Your percentage score will be computed by dividing the total of all points earned by the total possible points. The normal scale will be used to assign a letter grade.

94 - 100A
90 - 93A-
87 - 89B+
84 - 86B
80 - 83B-
77 - 79C+
74 - 76C
70 - 73C-
67 - 69D+
64 - 66D
60 - 63D-
0 - 59F

Services to Students with Disabilities

If you are in need of an accommodation for a disability in order to participate in this class, please let me know as soon as possible, and also contact Services to Students with Disabilities at UH-183, phone number: +1-909-537-5238, email address: ssd@csusb.edu.

You are advised to establish a buddy system and alternate in the class if you require assistance in the event of an emergency. Individuals with disabilities should prepare for an emergency ahead of time by instructing a classmate and the instructor.

Academic Regulations and Standards

See CSUSB's Academic Regulations and Standards for policies regarding course withdrawal, cheating, and plagiarism.

Computer Science and Engineering Club

The Computer Science and Engineering Club is a student-run organization that uses a combination of email and campus meetings to plan events, ask and answer technical questions, post job and internship openings, and discuss other topics of interest to computing majors at CSUSB. Club-sponsored events include seminars, workshops, tutoring and fun activities.